家里必备的秘密武器——天然消炎茶,真的特别适合这种时候。配方很简单,都是家常食材。把100 ml的原生酵素,100 ml纯蜜糖,100 ml晒太阳发酵的葡萄老醋和1茶匙海洋矿物质加进瓶子里,摇一摇,让它们混合均匀。
Oh, the weather's acting up again, and I'm feeling a bit under the weather. My throat's scratchy, dry, and ticklish – classic signs of a looming cold. It's like my body's sending out an SOS, telling me to take better care of myself.
Enter the secret weapon tucked away in our home arsenal – a natural anti-inflammatory tea. Perfect for times like these when the weather's moody. And let me tell you, the recipe is as simple as can be, using regular pantry staples. Pour 100 ml of raw enzymes, 100 ml of pure honey, 100 ml of sun-fermented grape vinegar, and a teaspoon of sea minerals into a bottle, give it a good shake until everything blends seamlessly.
Now, this natural anti-inflammatory tea is a game-changer. When that heat starts creeping in, or if you've been burning the midnight oil, traveling, feeling sluggish, or your eyelids have that extra weight, a warm cup of this tea is pure comfort. If you want to fend off coughs from infection, you can pop a teaspoonful in your mouth after coming in from outdoors or steep it in warm water. If you've got a mild cough, sipping a teaspoon after meals works wonders. For a more persistent cough, up the dosage – four times a day, one teaspoon each time. This routine helps clear out any phlegm, providing some relief.
When things get hectic, like during the Lunar New Year or just a busy period, and you know you'll be burning the candle at both ends, it's a smart move to prepare a batch of this tea in advance. When you need it, mix one part of the tea with ten parts of water. And hey, if you give it a little chill, it becomes the perfect refreshing thirst-quencher!
This anti-inflammatory tea isn't just about keeping infections at bay – it also boosts overall immunity by nourishing the spleen and kidneys. Remember to keep an eye on your well-being and sip on this cup of goodness to look after yourself and your loved ones!