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WHY NOT? Organic Monofloral Mānuka Honey MGO 285+, 250g

RM 290.00
WHY NOT? Organic Monofloral Mānuka Honey MGO 285+, 250g Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Beekeeping of whynot? Mānuka Honey 

Our beekeepers place their hives in the most natural, undisturbed environment where there has been no human interference for hundreds of years or longer! Why Not? Organic Monofloral Mānuka Honey is gathered from the mountain ranges of the Marlborough Sounds, the marble rock hills of Golden Bay and the rugged Wilderness of the West Coast in New Zealand. The undisturbed vegetation and lush rainforest-like ensure a wide variety of flowering plants throughout the year, providing a continuous source of nectar and pollen. At times, you can see the whales and schools of dolphins swimming around. Microclimates with heavy snowfall during winter allow only the strongest plants to survive here. 

Water is essential as bees drink too; our beekeepers also check if the water quality from the forest stream is unpolluted to ensure the best quality drinking water for the bees. 

Why Not? Monofloral Mānuka Honey is ethically harvested. No sugar feeding practice is allowed. Our beekeepers do not cut the wings of a Queen bee, neither do they put the Queens into an-egg laying cage where she is forced to confine for the time of her egg-laying peak period. The hives are left with reserves of honey and pollen for bees to survive the winter. 

We are proud to share our uniqueness of beekeeping practices from our beekeeper perform with respect to the bees, allowing bees to exhibit their natural behaviors, including natural mating with drones, swarming, natural comb building, foraging on diverse plants. 

These conditions make our honey naturally purer, stronger in its’ authentic flavor and taste. Contains naturally occurring levels of Methylglyoxal (MGO). 

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