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GRASSROOTS OF LIFE Fermented Organic Super Seed Oil twin pack 发酵有机超级籽油 (5ml*2)

RM 388.00
GRASSROOTS OF LIFE Fermented Organic Super Seed Oil twin pack 发酵有机超级籽油 (5ml*2) Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Ingredients 成分: 

Fermented Hemp Seed & Aspergillus Oryzae (Plant Based Probiotics) 

发酵火麻籽 & 米曲霉(植物益生菌)

(100g fermented hemp seed to get 5ml pure fermented hemp seed oil)

Usage method 使用方法:

Put one drop under your tongue every morning and evening, hold for 10 seconds and swallow.


Can also apply as mask oil, drip one drop of fermented hemp seed oil and 1 pinch of fermented hemp seed fibre, to mix with base (natural face moisturiser of face lotion), apply onto face for 15 minutes, then wash and rinse away.


Efficacy 功效:

High in Antioxidants 富含抗氧化剂

Linked to a Reduced Risk of Certain Cancers 与降低某些癌症的风险相关

Improve Prostate and Bladder Health 改善前列腺和膀胱健康

High in Magnesium 镁含量很高

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