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GRASSROOTS OF LIFE Siberian Ginseng & Jujube Essence 西伯利亚人参与大枣精华补养液 (15ml x 10Btls)

RM 186.00
GRASSROOTS OF LIFE Siberian Ginseng & Jujube Essence 西伯利亚人参与大枣精华补养液 (15ml x 10Btls) Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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成份 :

纯水,蔗糖,大枣精华浓缩汁,丙二醇,麦芽糖醇(甜味剂)柠檬酸,柠檬酸钠,西伯利亚人参萃取物 (刺五加萃取),叶酸,维生素B12

包装 :

小瓶装 ( 1 盒 X10 瓶)
内容量 : 15 ml x 10 瓶 / 1 盒

保存方式 :





成人 :补充体力,消除疲劳,镇定中枢神经系统,提高工作效率,改善失眠,心悸健忘,乏力等症状,消除全身无力感,失眠,食欲不振症状

女性 : 生理后的补养,有助于行气,活血,调经

孕妇: 生产前和后的调理补养品,生产后适时补充母体营养,增强骨髓造血功能,提升红血球,血色素及白血球的作用

病人 : 补助康复期,滋养身体,抗氧化,抗发炎,镇痛,强筋,壮骨,利湿,消肿等作用

运动员 :提升与促进血液循环作用,加速氧气送至各处细胞,缓解缺氧,疲倦感与昏睡现象,补充体力

适用对象 :成长中的儿童,努力用功的学生族,体能消耗的上班族,女性特殊生理期的补充,孕妇生产前后的补养,病患手术后的保健,老年人的健康维持,大量消耗体力的运动员等等



Ingredients : 

Pure water, sucrose, prune essence concentrate, propylene glycol, Maltitol (sweetener) citric acid, sodium citrate, Siberian ginseng extract (Acanthopanax senticosus), folic acid, vitamin B12

Packing :

Small bottle ( 1 box of X10 bottles )
Content : 15 ml x 10 bottles / 1 box

Storage method : 

Please put it in a cool dry place

Function and testimony:

The elderly: improve weakness and allergic constitution, enhance immunity, qi and blood booster, nourish blood and soothe the nerves, strengthen the spleen and stomach, calm irregular blood pressure, progressive and mildly decreased arterial pressure, regulate blood preasure.

Children: reduce bronchial allergy, prevent respiratory infections such as colds, coughs and colds, enhance children’s immunity and appetite, promote blood circulation, boost blood circulation in cerebral, activate reflex nerves, and improve children concentration

Adult: Replenish physical strength, eliminate fatigue, calm the central nervous system, improve work efficiency, improve insomnia, palpitations, forgetfulness, fatigue and other symptoms, eliminate systemic weakness, and loss of appetite

Women: Post-physiological supplements help to promote qi, promote blood circulation, and regulate menstruation

Pregnant women: conditioning supplements before and after delivery, supplementing maternal nutrition after delivery, enhancing bone marrow hematopoietic function, enhancing red blood cells, hemoglobin and white blood cells

Patients: support the rehabilitation period, nourish the body, anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, strong gluten for strengthening bones, increase homeostasis, reduced swelling, etc.

Athletes: Enhance and promote blood circulation, accelerate oxygen delivery to body cells, relieve hypoxia, fatigue and lethargy, and replenish physical strength

Applicable to: children who are growing up, students who work hard, workers who are physically exhausted, supplements for women’s special physiological period, supplements before and after maternal delivery, health care after surgery, health maintenance of the elderly, and for Athletes who had lots of physical exertion, etc.

How to Consume: 

1 bottle after breakfast every day, which can be increased or decreased depending on your individual nutritional needs.

Additional Information:

siberian-ginseng-jujube-essence-scaled (1).jpg




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