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GRASSROOTS OF LIFE Mulberry Polysaccharide Malt Drink 桑葚多醣体麦芽饮 (750gm)

RM 182.00
GRASSROOTS OF LIFE Mulberry Polysaccharide Malt Drink 桑葚多醣体麦芽饮 (750gm) Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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功能与作用 : 


内容量 :

 750 gm ± 3%
可稀释成 25 杯 (180 ml 的麦芽饮)

保存方式 : 



Imported German premium wheat, provincial premium glutinous rice, mulberries, rock sugar, oligosaccharides
Function and usage: nourish liver and kidney, regulate blood deficiency and soothe abdominal pain, soothing neuralgia pain, anti-aging, treat tuberculosis, soothing weakness and hot flashes, reduced dry cough and phlegm, supplement nutrition, enhance immunity, help in drunkenness

Content weight:

750 gm ± 3%
Can be diluted to 25 cups (180 ml of malt drink)
Glass jars, empty bottles can be reused


Place in a cool place. If worried about mold, please put it in the refrigerator.



  1. 将小麦种子置放于20度的室内,待种子发芽约5~7天的时间,采收小麦芽。
  2. 将小麦芽放入机器中绞碎。
  3. 糯米蒸熟。
  4. 小麦芽汁与蒸熟的糯米混合。
  5. 开始进行糖化滤渣与提炼。
  6. 加入桑葚及冰糖寡糖以开始酿制及发酵。
  7. 古法纯正的麦芽膏即完成。

Production Method:

Traditional pure malt paste making method

  1. The wheat seeds are placed in a room of 20 degrees, and the wheat buds are harvested when the seeds had germinated for about 5 to 7 days.
  2. The wheat buds are ground in a machine.
  3. The glutinous rice is steamed.
  4. Wheat bud juice is mixed with steamed glutinous rice.
  5. Start saccharification filter residue and refining.
  6. Add in the mulberries and oligo rock sugar to begin the fermentation.
  7. The ancient malt cream is finished.


将 30 ml + 150 ml 冷 / (热)水 稀释后,搅拌均匀后即可饮用,浓淡可随个人喜好增减, 1 天 3 次

居家护理食用法 :

舒缓忧郁情绪配方 : 用保温瓶 + 15 ml 桑椹麦芽膏 + 1 瓶大枣精华液 + 125 ml 温水 , 1 天 2 次

儿童脾胃双虚 (不开胃)30 ml 桑椹麦芽膏 + 150 ml 温水 每天一杯帮助营养吸收

How to Consume:

Dilute 30 ml + 150 ml cold / (hot) water, mix well and drink. The malt drink can be increased or decreased according to personal preference, 3 times a day.
Can replace syrup when making jelly
Can be used as spread, can replace the sugar candy
Serve with yogurt to enhance the benefits and as taste enhancer

For Home care remedy usage:

Soothing depressive emotion: Sim with thermos bottle 15 ml Mulberry malt drink + “1 bottle of prune essence” + 125 ml warm water , drink twice daily

Children’s spleen and stomach deficiency (not appetizing): use 30 ml Mulberry malt drink + 150 ml warm water One cup a day
Help in nutrition absorption

麦芽糖小知识 :

  1. 发芽的小麦与糯米结合,自然产生甜份,因此没有加糖也会甜甜的。
  2. 麦芽糖低甜份,清甜不粘腻,是取代蔗糖的好选择。
  3. 卤味时以麦芽糖取代糖美味加分,营养满分。

Maltose Tips:

The germinated wheat combines with glutinous rice to produce sweetness naturally, so it will be naturally taste sweet without any sugar added.

Maltose is low in glycaemia index, sweet and not sticky, and is an excellent choice to replace sucrose.

In cooking the stewing food, best to replace sugar with maltose to enhance the nutrition value.


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