Palo Santo (Holy Wood), Bursera graveolens (2375). Palo Santo is from the same family as Frankincense. The oil has a buttery, oily aroma with an intriguing lemony, minty top note. The bark of the Palo Santo tree is traditionally burned in South America to remove negative energies from living spaces. The oil can be used in prayers, energy work, etc. where it is symbolic of rebirth. Intriguingly, it contains limonene, the compound that gives citrus oils their lemony freshness. Extraordinary for an oil derived from the heartwood of a tree. Enjoy its digestive, neuroskeletal, respiratory, and skin benefits. This is a therapeutic grade pure essential oil for aromatherapy, extracted from the wood of the tree and made using wild plants and traditional methods from Equador.
Recommend Formula and Effect
Relieves tension formula:
Palo santo 6 drops + bergamot 3 drops + lavender highland 3 drops + sandalwood 3 drops