当然,注意饮食和生活习惯也是很重要的。尽量避免食用刺激性食物,像是油炸、海鲜、鸭、羊肉等容易上火食物,会使手发炎更厉害。同时也不宜喝冰水冷饮,使得肠胃 代谢水湿的功能下降,导致手部水肿更厉害。多吃一些富含维生素的水果蔬菜,有助于提高免疫力。
Imagine juggling cooking, cleaning, and taking care of your home, all while dealing with itchy and painful eczema on your hands. Homemakers often face this challenge, especially when using cleaning products for daily chores. The symptoms of "prosperous hands" go beyond skin issues, affecting their daily activities. But worry not, let's explore simple ways to tackle this pesky issue together!
Firstly, keeping your hands clean and dry is key. After chores, wash your hands promptly and avoid prolonged water exposure. Choose mild, non-irritating soaps and pat your hands dry gently to reduce friction. Avoid dampness and maintain clean nails to prevent worsening hand eczema.
Secondly, choose suitable skincare products. Use fragrance-free, colorless hand creams to keep your skin moisturized. Apply evenly, especially on finger joints and fingertips.
Additionally, pay attention to dietary habits and lifestyle choices. Avoid consuming spicy and inflammatory foods, such as fried dishes, seafood, duck, and lamb, as they may aggravate inflammation. Also, refrain from consuming ice-cold beverages, which can impair the body's ability to dispel dampness, leading to increased swelling in the hands. Instead, incorporate vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables into your diet to boost immunity.
To aid in addressing this issue, we recommend several natural products to alleviate the discomfort of hand eczema:
Enzyme Cleaning Liquid Series: Each of the Enzyme Cleaning Liquid is gentle and effective, making it ideal for cleaning your home and dishes without burdening your hands. Enzymes help break down grease, making the cleaning task easier.
Calendula Baby Lotion: Designed for delicate skin, our calendula baby lotion is rich in natural calendula extract. It provides gentle hydration and soothes the discomfort caused by hand eczema. Applying it after household chores ensures your hands receive the care they need.
Natural Coconut Oil Body and Hair Wash: Naturally saponified coconut oil body and hair wash is a great choice for personal hygiene. Coconut oil has natural moisturizing properties, preventing excessive dryness of the skin and scalp. Enjoy the pleasant aroma while turning your shower routine into a delightful experience.
For those facing these challenges, understanding and support are crucial. Share the workload and choose household products collaboratively to ease the burden. With simple care and support, homemakers can continue enjoying the happiness in their lives.