是孩子影响我走上健康食疗的人生。大儿子4岁时,医生宣判她天生性胰腺功能不全,除三餐必须 特别料理,尚需每日4次胰岛素注射和7次血糖检验为控制管理。
任职拉曼学院机械工程系主兼讲师的我,趁着院方转型之际选择离开;亲自照顾孩子,一面攻读食物科学,研究药食同源性的起源、概念及其功能食品于现代环境的应用。孩子的饮食须非常小心,我决定开设首家有机食品咖啡馆,馆里一饮一食,皆符合孩子健康食疗的标准,也适合任何追求健康的人士。2015年,未满9岁的孩子修完他的物功课,含笑离去。他是上天赐予我们家的宝贝,也是老师同学眼中的开心果。 足矣!
我开创Food Soulutionist脸书专页,推广健康饮食养生之道,也为许多慢性病的心灵食疗方案做顾问咨询。 行管令让我静下心,着手整理 资料,筹备在线上授课,甚至进行实 体课。我的目标只有一个,就是通过3A:Aware, Activate, Achieve,教育群众达到心灵与生理的健康发展。
When my eldest son was just four years old, the doctor delivered a life-changing diagnosis: he had congenital pancreatic insufficiency, which meant he needed specially prepared meals for all three of his daily meals. Additionally, he required four insulin injections and seven blood glucose tests each day to manage his condition.
At the time, I was working as a lecturer and head of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Tunku Abdul Rahman College. However, I made a heartfelt decision to leave my position, taking the opportunity of institutional transformation, to personally care for my child. I also used this time to study food science, exploring the origins and applications of functional foods with medicinal properties in modern settings.
To ensure my child's well-being, I established the first organic food café & shop, where everything on the menu adhered to the strict standards of healthy food therapy for my child, while also appealing to anyone seeking a healthier lifestyle. Unfortunately, in 2015, my beloved child passed away at the tender age of not quite nine, leaving cherished memories and smiles in the hearts of his teachers and classmates. His time with us was a gift from above, brightening everyone's life.
Following this difficult period, I continued my journey by advocating for the education of spiritual food therapy and researching natural alternatives and complementary healing methods. Many who come to shop seeking answers are patients in the final stages of their illnesses. I accompany them through tears and support them through life and death, which reinforces my belief that food therapy must be at the forefront of patient care, as strengthening the body's immune system is paramount.
Understanding that our inner balance profoundly affects our immunity, and what we eat directly influences our metabolism, I am committed to promoting self-care and proper maintenance, even in the face of illness. Embracing nature's laws is the best approach to maintain good health – working from sunrise to sunset, engaging in moderate exercise, and, with a colorful array of organic choices.
The core principle is that our inner balance profoundly affects our immunity, and what we eat directly influences our metabolism. By practicing proper self-care and maintenance, even when faced with illness, humans can reclaim their sovereignty. It is remarkable to learn that cells continue to repair themselves until the very last moment of life. Embracing nature's laws is the best approach to maintain good health – working from sunrise to sunset, engaging in moderate exercise and consuming a diet that consists of 7 parts of plants and 1 part of protein, with a colorful array of organic choices, is essential. Vegetable and fruit juices play a vital role in shaping our vitality and should be incorporated into our daily routine. Remember, food is medicine; what you eat shapes you, and what you absorb reflects you.
With this mission in mind, I established the "Food Soulutionist" Facebook page to promote healthy dietary habits and spiritual nourishment. I also provide consulting services, offering soul-healing food therapy plans for various chronic illnesses. Despite facing challenges due to MCO, I am taking this opportunity to organize materials and prepare for online and in-person classes. My ultimate goal is to educate the masses, utilizing the 3A approach: "Aware, Activate, Achieve," to help people attain holistic health for both mind and body.
